Moving to Massachusett with firearms? Questions & Answer


  Moving to Massachusetts with firearms? 

1- Can I Bring my firearms with me to Massachusett ?
        You can bring your firearms with you when you move, and this may be eligible way you can get your firearms into the state without having to file registration forms on them once they're here. lock them up on arriving, and then start the LTC process. You have 60 days to apply for your license from the time you move in with firearms, but you want to do it as fast as possible so you can receive it within that 60 days.

2- How I can apply for firearm permit ? 
As soon as you arrive, go to the RMV, get your car registration and license switched, and send in a voter registration, set up utilities and update your bank statements to your Massachusett address. This should be enough to prove residency so you can start the application process with your town's police department.  

3- If you choose to leave your firearms and bring them later?

you will need to file an FA-10 form with the Criminal History Systems Board for each firearm brought in later (plus any firearms you buy in MA). These forms can be obtained from your local Police Department.  
4- if you have any criminal record or the like and are unsure if it will affect your suitability for a license  

  (Massachusetts is shall issue on FIDs for low-capacity long guns and shotguns, but "may issue" based on suitability for licenses to carry (large capacity long guns and all handguns), make sure to consult with a qualified attorney who is expert on firearms matters

5- Can I keep them locked up in my friend safe until she gets My LTC?  

Yes, providing you are appropriately licensed.  

6- If I ends up selling any of MY guns, are there any restrictions? or can they be on a FA-10/through a FFL?

No restrictions on FA-10 sales (other than the buyer being appropriately licensed). The only FFL restrictions are that they won't be able to transfer "non-compliant" handguns.  

7- What Can I Bring?
There are a few classes of firearms that are not allowed in Massachuetts. So called "assault weapons," which have the same definition as under the old, expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban, cannot be brought in unless they were in AW configuration before 9/13/1994. 

8-  what capacity not allowed in Massachuetts ?   
 IN EXCESS of ten rounds capacity that are forbidden, regardless of the license held.  

9- Is there any time limit as to when you can bring them? 
No time limit. Just need to register each one (not brought with him when he moved to PRM) on an FA-10. NO guns can be in evil AW configuration unless they were built in AW configuration PRIOR to 9/13/1994. Similarly no mags with >10 rd capacity unless they were made pre-9/13/1994.  

10-if a license hasn't been issued within 60 days. When the 60 days is up

they'll be in violation of MA gun laws, and if convicted they will be ineligable for a MA LTC for the rest of their life. 


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