Do you move potted plants? What’s your policy on wearing booties when asked?
At the owners risk and I always take a $40 cleaning fee because it makes a mess of the truck Unless you are taking the booties on and off, it's tracks in more dirt than it prevents We carry indoor work shoes. We supply runners. We will bring a truck crew and an inside crew. We charge extra for this, into the thousands , so few take us up on the option. We do not allow booties, we had a serious accident that the insurance company didn’t link to the use of booties, even though we were using booties and it was a slip/ fall situation. the insurance carrier wrote a rider in our policy that accidents involving booties are dis allowed. This is the one in ten thousand moves, where we pad walks along walk routes at turns etc. high dollar moves. We move potted plants . we moved a collection of potted plants from a collectors private greenhouse to various museums he donated them to. I have an indoor plant specialist that packs plants for travel. We ha...